Staci Appel receives a 100% rating from the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce as a champion of women's economic priorities and is endorsed by the Women's Chamber for Iowa's 3rd Congressional District.
Washington, DC , August 25, 2014 (Newswire.com) - “I am proud to announce the endorsement of the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce (http://www.uswcc.org) for Staci Appel in the race for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District,” stated Margot Dorfman, CEO. “Staci Appel is an experienced leader committed to improving government and supporting American families and businesses.”
“Staci Appel is a leader on a mission for positive government action in support of a strong America. She is a champion of women’s economic priorities, receiving a one-hundred percent rating from the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce,” continues Dorfman. “Appel understands how government works and how it needs to work to support her community. Her experience in business and as a leader in the Iowa State Senate have prepared her to be very effective in the U.S. Congress,” adds Dorfman.
"Staci Appel is a leader on a mission for positive government action in support of a strong America. She is a champion of women's economic priorities, receiving a one-hundred percent rating from the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce."
Margot Dorfman, CEO
“Appel supports a positive economic environment for women workers and business owners, American job creation, fair pay, a fair minimum-wage, family-friendly workplaces, access to affordable/quality healthcare and birth control, tax policies that support a vibrant middle class and access to capital and federal contracts for women-owned firms,” continues Dorfman.
Staci Appel has a clear vision for supporting women’s economics stating, “We must do everything we can to level the playing field for women in the workplace,” and “We must make sure that Iowa small businesses have the tools and finances to grow and create jobs.” Appel led Iowa in becoming the first in the nation to adopt the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into state law and promises to continue the fight to end gender pay discrimination. Appel also supports women-owned federal contractors and wants to cut red tape and open opportunities for small businesses in federal contracting. She is committed to “keeping the promise of Social Security for today’s seniors and ensuring it exists for future generations.”
“Growing the number of strong women leaders in Congress is critical to assuring that women’s economic priorities are advanced,” adds Dorfman. “American prosperity is directly linked to the economic success of women. Seventy percent of women work and seventy-two percent of mothers work. A record forty percent of all households with children under eighteen include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for their family. Women own 71,000 Iowa firms employing more than 55,000 workers,” continues Dorfman.
“Staci Appel knows how to get things done in Washington to support her community in Iowa. She understands that government must support a strong America through effective policies and operations that assure opportunity and security for all. We are proud to endorse her candidacy.”
For more information on women candidates visit http://www.IVoteForWomen.org. The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce unifies the collective strength of women in the U.S. economy. Using a platform of influence, innovation, and opportunity, the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce works with and for its members to grow successful businesses and careers. For additional information, go to http://www.uswcc.org or call 888-418-7922.