Russell Feingold receives a 100% rating, endorsement from the Women's Chamber as a champion of women's economic priorities.
Washington, DC, September 19, 2016 (Newswire.com) - “I am proud to announce the endorsement of the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce (http://www.uswcc.org) for Russell Feingold in the race for Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate,” stated Margot Dorfman, CEO. “Russell Feingold has a remarkable track record of getting things done for his community. And he understands that now is the time to continue to leverage his experience, relationships and conviction to support the needs of Wisconsin families in the U.S. Congress.”
“Russell Feingold understands Wisconsin needs a robust platform for the creation of quality jobs to support and rebuild our middle class. He is also a champion of women’s economic priorities, receiving a one-hundred percent rating from the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce,” continues Dorfman.” Russell Feingold brings accountability to Washington, working to eliminate government waste and boosting job growth by rebuilding our transportation and infrastructure, including broadband access for all,” adds Dorfman.
Russell Feingold will get things done in Washington that will directly support strong Wisconsin family economics. We are proud to endorse his candidacy.
Margot Dorfman, CEO, U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce
“Feingold supports a positive economic environment for women workers and business owners, American job creation, fair pay, a fair minimum-wage, family-friendly workplaces, access to affordable/quality healthcare and birth control, tax policies that support a vibrant middle class and access to capital and federal contracts for women-owned firms,” continues Dorfman.
“Russell Feingold has a proven track record as an effective leader that includes serving on several committees including Committees including Budget, Judiciary, Foreign Relations and Intelligence,” adds Dorfman. “He has been a staunch supporter of fair pay, raising the minimum wage, family medical leave, while aggressively working to eliminate waste and perks for government officials and believes we need to eliminate corporate tax loopholes and ease the tax burden on middle class families.”
“Growing the number of strong leaders in Congress that champion women’s economic priorities is critical to assuring American prosperity as it is directly linked to the economic success of women,” adds Dorfman. “American prosperity is directly linked to the economic success of women. Seventy percent of women work and seventy-two percent of mothers work. A record forty percent of all households with children under eighteen include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for their family. Women own 134,000 Wisconsin firms generating more than $25 billion in revenues and employing 164,000 workers,” continues Dorfman.
“Russell Feingold will get things done in Washington that will directly support strong Wisconsin family economics. We are proud to endorse his candidacy.”
For more information on women candidates visit http://www.IVoteForWomen.org. The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce unifies the collective strength of women in the U.S. economy. Using a platform of influence, innovation, and opportunity, the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce works with and for its members to grow successful businesses and careers. For additional information, go to http://www.uswcc.org or call 888-418-7922.
Source: U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce